We have heard lot about the importance of play for kids to learn. Should we care what that play as long as they play? I guess most of us would agree. Puzzle games are probable one of the best ressources in terms of altering intellectual/combinatorial skills. So what does that tell me as a Sudoku puzzler? Of course that kids should consider playing sudoku. Of course standard 9×9 puzzles might be to hard for young children but there is an workaround. We can find not only free Sudoku puzzle on web but also variants for kids. Those Kid Sudoku are often smaller like 4×4 or 6×6 and can be solved easier. Mypuzzle.org offers a variant that not only is fits those characteristics but animates kids with its colors and layouts. Give your kids a try and wonder who fast they are catching up.

After doing standard Sudoku for a while I found another interesting mode. Jigsaw Sudoku! The problem with jigsaw sudoku is that you will find dozens of variants meaning some different implementations under the same topic. The idea is not to get the number in a 9×9 block right but within an irregular area. While those area include 9 cells too we have the same final paradigm. Means get them right in columns, rows and the irregular area.

When looking for a online jigsaw puzzle we find different implementations. Some use borders to mark the area, other colors. Some use connected cells within one area, for some that is not a requirement. A good free sudoku implementation for the jigsaw variant can be found on mypuzzle.org. Its color based and uses connected and not connected “designs” for solving the puzzle. Also will you find those puzzle to be in different challenge levels. Just give it a shot and have fun.

After solving sudoku puzzles in newspaper I found a better and easier way. There are dozens of site that offer playing Sudokus puzzles online on the internet. Thoses free Sudoku offers are different of course and have their quirks. However here in my blog I offer some good links to the best web sudoku games. They are all free games and include different level. You can find easy sudoku puzzle or more harder. Join on a daily sudoku puzzle.